Saturday, September 18, 2004

Listening to Radio 6 at work as usual and emailed Tom Robinson requesting a tune, 10 minutes later received a reply commending me on my recommendation which he will endeavor to play, Bloc Party’s new single, emailed signed off, x tom, awww, the BBC works.

Amazing meal at the
‘Boars Nest’ with A. Great food, not cheap but well worth it for a special treat, bar upstairs with cool décor and comfy chairs and sofa. The toilets are quite special, check out the padded doors. For some reason I started to call the place the ‘bogs head’, probably down to my confused tired state of mind.

Met a cool couple, both psychiatric nurses, one worked in a secure unit and the other was an on call guy who assessed people when admitted to hospital. The girlie as the night progressed practiced her restraining techniques, not once, not twice but multiple times on me, much to the hilarity of A, who was on good form, after a bottle of very nice Chablis.

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