Wednesday, June 23, 2004

And thus ends my nine nightshift slog. Its raining cats and dogs outside and blowing a gale, must be the third day of Wimbledon and the height of summer! I may be finishing nights at 0800hrs but I’m back for twilight shift at 5:30pm. Thursday and Friday off so I cant complain. Thursdays the big game so I should be well on the way to intoxication by final whistle, either way I’ll be emotional.
I have applied for yet another job in my concerted effort to escape the nightmare that is shift work. In fact I’ve had enough of working for other people and I’d like to try and work for myself for a change, I have no burning ambitions to be the next Mr. Jobes, just enough ambition to earn a comfortable living and a second home in Cyprus. Meeting P tomorrow for lunch, P owns a fish and chip shop, now there’s an idea?

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